Moms are constantly under pressure, expecting themselves to be perfect, where taking care of kids and the family is all perfectly neat and tidy. But real motherhood is messy, and moms should be free of this crazy standard – because just getting the mom job done is hard enough.

As a brand that champions Filipino moms, Tang pays tribute to all mothers and empowers them to be real, and to embrace the beauty of being a mom. Being pressured to do everything perfectly will not get them anywhere. It is important that moms stay true to themselves and are proud of their unique way of parenting, because they know what is best for their children. Most importantly, it’s about having fun and enriching their relationship as a family. “I think everyone feels pressured to be perfect, there’s nothing wrong with that. And you have to remember — not just moms, but people wanna post what looks good online, what looks perfect online. But, there’s no such thing as perfect and you have to remember not to compare yourself to what you see online and to other moms,” Tang Ambassador Saab Magalona – Bacarro shares her advice to moms who feel the pressure of being perfect.

Princess Landicho, Brand Manager, of Tang Philippines, believes that “motherhood has evolved and it’s not picture-perfect. We must embrace the fact that there will be cracks along the way and that’s totally okay. Tang encourages moms to break free from the pressure of perfection – just be real and get things done!”

Tang created a #RealMomsGetItDone photo series that highlights the contrast between the expectations and realities of motherhood. It celebrates real and unfiltered motherhood and aims to empower moms to be themselves. The gallery was mounted at Glorietta 2 Activity Center last March 27, featuring real moms that include Divine Lee-Go, Bettinna Carlos, Tart Carlos, Saab Magalona-Bacarro, Delamar Arias, Rosebud Benitez, Janice Villanueva, Nina Rayos, Colleen Mateo, Kris Lumagui, Anne Clutz, Isha Borromeo, Via Austria, Bianca Santiago-Reinoso, and Nicole Hernandez-de Los Angeles. Photos were shot by Sara Black.

Join the movement and tell us how #RealMomsGetItDone by sharing your real mom stories and photos online by liking and commenting on
Whenever I see mum she is always working. I know her love for us keeps her going. 😊
It is a great innovative campaign. We all aim for perfection which is desirable but not at the cost of happiness. Motherhood is special & enjoying it must be the focus at all costs.
My wife is an amazing mom! She has that knack for maintaining balance and order in our home, although she’d tell you otherwise.
I love the idea of the #RealMomsGetItDone hashtag! The photos you’ve shared of the conquering of daily activities are beautiful… a great contribution to this initiative!
My mom is my best friend and role model. She has always been my biggest supporter and is also a fantastic grand mother.
I love this campaign. Motherhood is full of challenges, struggles, and tears along with the joys that come with it. Let’s all keep it real!
I think mothers have one of the toughest jobs in the world. :0)
This is such an inspiring most. I wish all mothers could experience it the same way we do.
Motherhood is the noblest job in the world. You work day in and day out with no salary, but receive the best compensation in the world – your kids’ smiles, hugs and kisses. I would never exchange that for anything in this world. Real moms rock!
Motherhood can be tough, to be able to balance everything that is in front of you. I can imagine.
I totally can relate! Motherhood is a great job full of struggles and challenges.
What an uplifting post for moms! These ladies really are giving it their all!
I’m all about this campaign! I wish they had one in my area!
tang has always been my fav brand. they took really a nice initiative to make people understand that motherhood is not easy!
Oh yes, I agree it is our own uniqueness that made us who we are moms. Let’s keep it real and simple and not forget to cherish every moment with our family.
Great to hear advice from Tang Ambassador Saab Magalona – Bacarro.
I am a fan of campaigns like this. I will scroll through Instagram and roll my eyes at mommy bloggers who make motherhood look so easy and perfect! It’s not perfect, it’s not easy and my house isn’t always clean. Wish we could be more real about that on social media!
Like this challenge as it recognizes what mums really do and how they juggle their life and work.
This is an awesome campaign. Motherhood is full of challenges, it’s important to celebrate wins and learn from losses!
Mom life is hard. It is messy, unscheduled and hectic. But it’s incredibly worth it. Great blog post! Kids just want your love and affection, they don’t care if the house is a mess or you haven’t showered. Awesome life!
I’ve been feeling tons of mom guilt and pressure lately…love a campaign that embraces mothers to be REAL!
I love this campaign and what’s trying to be accomplished. As a mom of two sets of twins my life is nothing short of chaotic, I will be joining in with this hashtag and tell my friends about it.
I love the hashtag! It is true that despite all the daily challenges, real moms get the tasks done! These women are perfect role models especially for new moms who are overwhelmed with the task of motherhood.
Thank you for this post. It reminds me on how great my mother is, how she’s so flexible and hardworking. Mothers are really worthy of praise and appreciation.
What a great post to celebrate real motherhood! Gives me a chance to pause and think about my amazing mum and how powerful she is to have helped raised us kids.
This is so important! Sharing the reality helps every other mama know that they aren’t alone. Mom life can be messy and hard for everyone. But it’s also wonderful and rewarding :). Thanks a ton for sharing!
I love hearing about companies that empower women. This is inspirational and amazing. I hope more companies follow suit.
Moms are the best. It’s not easy to juggle family life, career and all.
I love it when brands seek to empower moms. Love the hashtag as well!
What a fabulous campaign. Will follow the hashtag and share it as well.