Burning calories has been on my mind since few weeks ago. I had made some changes with my diet and exercise regime. Let’s face it, it’s not enough to remove the unwanted fats and excess weight in your body. I’m starting to increase my exercise in the gym and my tennis matches per week but it really takes a lot of effort to sustain these activities. The thermogenic treatment at SvelT’i safely and effectively burns fat by increasing the body’s metabolic process. It promotes relaxation and better sleep during rest hours, while energizing your body during the day. It is a convenient and alternative way to burn all those fats away!

I had a privilege to try one session of thermogenic treatment at SvelT’i. In the clinic, they will first assess you and get your body measurements & vital statistics. It was surprisingly convenient and fun at the same time. You have an option to do read a book, sleep or even use your cellphone during the treatment. A nurse also assists during and after the treatment.

The thermogenic machine hastens the patient’s metabolic rate thus expediting the fat reduction and weight loss. To see better results, a once a week session is recommended. The thermogenic treatment also improves the patient’s cellular oxygenation, skin condition and blood circulation.

I really recommend this treatment. It’s shedding the fats without any effort. Try it now at SvelT’i.

SvelT’i is located at 61 Timog Avenue Quezon City, Philippines 1100. You may contact them at 0918 878 3584. Their clinic is open from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM from Monday to Saturday.
To know more about SvelT’i and their services, check out their official website: http://svelti.com.ph/
Alternatively, you may contact them through their official social media pages:
Instagram: svelti_ph
Facebook: sveltiph
Twitter: svelti_ph
Hey I need this treatment so much! I need to burn some calories too. Btw you looking sexy there :p
I’ve always been interested in this treatment and how well it works.. Thanks for all the in depth info! Would love to see a before and after sometime! =)
Sounds interesting. There are so many things coming up in this domain that it’s difficult to keep a handle on all of it.
I’m not familiar with this treatment, but I will certainly look into it. It sounds intriguing!
This sounds like an interesting treatment. I’ve never heard of it before, but good for you for getting it done.
I’ve not heard of this treatment before but it definitely sounds really interesting and it something I would definitely try myself.
How interesting. I’ve never done something like this, but I’d try it out! I’m all for burning fat.
I had never heard of thermogenic treatment before. This treatment sounds like something for people hoping to lose some fat to look into.
Super post.Rado te citam samo tako nastavi ☆
This is pretty interesting. I’ve never heard of this type of treatment before. I will have to see if it’s available here in the United States.
I’ve always wanted to know about this treatment and how well it works. I need this asap, to burn some calories.
This sounds pretty cool. I would give it a try. As a marathoner I struggle with weight because long distance and being slow means I don’t always burn calories efficiently.
Very strange idea, but I would love to try it one day!
Sondra xx
I’d never heard of this before but what an amazing advancement in technology. It’s a crazy world we live in!
Having just run a half marathon today I feel like I can use the relaxing part of this thermogenic treatment.
This looks like such an amazing treatment. I know that I would love to try it out for myself.
This sounds interesting. I would give it a try. I’m trying to lose some weight as well.
Now this is interesting! How long does the procedure take?
I need that, too. As I grew older, I found it hard to remove excess fat. I used to be thin when I was younger even if I didn’t exercise or diet but when I turned 35, maintaining weight became an effort.
That looks amazing and relaxing. I have never heard of this kind of treatment before. I will have to check where the nearest place like that is here in the States where I live.
This sounds like an amazing supplemental tool to help burn more fat in addition to eating healthy and being active. I would love to try it.
Oh, wow! That looks like an amazing way to help burn fat, AND it looks so relaxing.
Wow i didn’t know that there is a fat burning machine like this because i need this so badly right now.. The pandemic lockdowns are not really working well withbmy diet lols. And this is just in QC. I just wonder how costly this treatment is and how many sessions you need to get your desired result
This looks incredible. Do you know if it’s the same as red light therapy? Curious to know….
Oh, wow! I never heard of a treatment like this. I bet many people would be interested since it is easy and painless.
It’s my first time hearing of thermogenic treatment. It looks like it worked well on you! I will definitely research more on it.
My first to hear of it. Definitely something many would appreciate hearing more infomration about.
Oh wow, I would totally add this to my regular wellness routine! I can only imagine how better, lighter and fresher you must feel in your own body now! Keep up the good spirits 🙂
Thank you so much for this reco. I myself need to shed my covid gains in a “fast” way haha
Also, you might want to double check the link of their website. Its being pointed to a 404 site.
Sounds like a nice treatment, especially if you can relax or sleep during the treatment. I hadn’t heard of this before.
I know several sports people who have done this and loved it.