For decades, even centuries, we have believed that dieting includes a few simple rules: lose the sugars, don’t eat highly-processed foods, don’t eat saturated fats, cut down the carbs, up the protein, eat as much of fruits and vegetables as you can, etc. However, these few principles don’t work so well for everyone. Ever wondered why? Well, the one-size-fits-all diets have one crucial flaw – not all of us are the same. But what can we do then?

To answer this question, nutrigenomics came into the playing field. It is an emerging discipline which uses genetic technology to explore food and nutrition, particularly the influence of the genome on the food components and nutrients.
While it sounds pretty complicated at first, it is actually quite simple. Let us try to get to the bottom of it together.
Definitions you need to know to understand nutrigenomics
Since there is a lot of science behind the term nutrigenomics, here are some definitions you need to know which will make it easier for you to understand its application.
- The genome is the genetic material that you are made of, or rather, born with. It is your DNA, which means it cannot be changed.
- The epigenome is the system of chemical compounds that interrelates with the genome by pointing which genetic material to activate or leave inactive. In simpler terms, it “turns on” or “turns off” your DNA. It is affected by nutrition, diet, exercise, personal health, and lifestyle choices. Unlike the genome, it is not written in stone.
- Nutrigenomics combines nutrition and gene expression. Scientists studying this field examine how bioactive components in food impact psychological and metabolic processes by activating or deactivating certain genes.
Personalizing the nutrition – what’s the catch?
The push for personalized nutrition began back in 2003 when the Human Genome Project was published, but we are still not there. The idea of a discipline looking at the specifics of one person, including the DNA and health conditions, sounds fantastic and applying nutrigenomics to everyday life offers new tools for dietitians to tailor and prescribe diets for individuals, and thus fight growing problems, such as diabetes and obesity.
However, this science is still evolving, and while we may easily call it the future, it still has some stepping stones to pass before it becomes a regular practice.
A 2015 review of nutrigenomics research stated that while the evidence is positively promising, many studies haven’t provided with definite links between genes typically observed in nutrigenomics testing and diet-related diseases. In simpler words, even if a nutrigenomics report recognizes the FTO mutation it doesn’t have to mean that you’re, without any doubt, going to be overweight.
Is it going to change everything?
Once the nutrigenomics is fully established as a discipline and we get all the answers we are still looking for, it is highly likely that this is going to change everything in the food industry and in how we view dieting.
When we move from a one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition to something that’s very personalized, it will disrupt everything. It will change the way you shop and the way you eat. It will probably even change the way you think about your health and well-being.
This means that the food industry will have to go with the flow and change the way they are producing right now because some products that are now recommendable for everyone will stop being mass produced when people start applying the personalized approach to nutrition.

What can you do right now?
While we are waiting for more scientific evidence and directions, we can still personalize our diets based on what we know about our genes, hormonal balance, and the state of all the chemicals in our bloodstream and organism.
There are some blood tests you can take based on what your doctor recommends to you. For example, dopamine deficiency is a common problem which can be identified via a blood test. Once you know what you are lacking, you can boost this neurotransmitter by introducing more protein in your diet, eating less saturated fat, taking natural formulas dedicated to raising dopamine, consuming probiotics, and getting enough sleep. Make sure to check out Dr Ruscio’s blog for more information on gut health.
There are even some at-home test kits to take blood and DNA samples which instruct you to take blood samples both before and after drinking certain test drinks. Once your samples are analyzed, you are placed in a category and it is showed how your body reacts to fats, protein, and carbohydrates. This way you may learn whether you need to increase or lower the consumption of some of these important nutrients.
Nutrigenomics is hardly a new idea in the scientific world, but it is yet to be developed into a fully applicable discipline which should make our lives much easier and healthier. Can we call it the future of personal health? We don’t know yet, but we sure can hope so.
VERY interesting! I love how every day there is new evidence on how we can take better care of our bodies.
Wow this will be amazing once it gets going properly! One size never fits all!
I really find it interesting because we can take a better care of ourselves and it is really going to be great. I am very much sure.
Wow this is super interesting! I love how we are constantly finding ways to improve our health 🙂
This is a pretty interesting read. I’ve never heard of nutrigenics before. I think it makes a lot of sense.
Very interesting, we shall see what the future holds for personal health, everything changes daily.
Super interesting! I am always up for information about to live a healthier lifestyle.
I had no idea about this!
So interesting
Thank you for sharing all those good tips !
Seems like we are already doing some of this and understanding the connection between things like genetically modified organisms in our food and how it drastically alters the animals that consume it. I’m sure we have much more to learn, I just hope that this research is used for good and not for the benefits of industries like big pharma.
I have heard of nutrigenomics but do not know much about it. This post makes me want to read more into it. As someone stated above, things are constantly changes soon as I get one thing right there is a new fad.
Fascinating! I love the way science is continually progressing and showing us new ways to live that will benefit us.
Very interesting! I’ve know for a very long time that there is no “one size fits all’ diet that works for everyone. If there were, we wouldn’t have all the competing diets like Atkins, Keto and Paleo. Obviously, what works for one person does not always work for the other.
I am intrigued by the idea that our DNA may unlock the secrets to being healthier. It just makes sense. Our DNA is unique to us, so it should be able to tell us what will work for us. First we need to unlock the secrets to what it all means, though.
Yes! Different people need different things.I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for shedding light on this.
This is so interesting. Thank you for giving me something to think about in my health journey.
It is a very interesting read to me. I am very focused on staying as healthy and as happy as possible. It is a very useful post to me
This is my first time hearing Nutrigenomics. It was reallt interesting and I need to learn more about this.
this is really interesting and I appreciate your detail! I never heard much about nutrigenomics before reading this post
Nutrition is such an important part of our daily lives. This is the first I’m hearing of Nutrigenomics, so I’ll have to do more research on it, but it CAN be great if the makers behind it are in it for the right reasons, to better humanity. I’ve been conscious about not only nutrition but also the environment so I’ve slowly been converting my home into an all-natural, safe environment and getting rid of all the chemicals, parabens and other kinds of harmful products.
This is certainly very interesting and something to consider. I plan to read up on it more! Thanks for sharing!
I am actually really interested in where this can take us in the future. I always pay attention to items like this.
I’ve never heard of neurogenomics before. It’s very intriguing. I’m curious as to how people would pay for it if they don’t have insurance or the means to pay for such information.
This is a very interesting and informative post. I didn’t know there is a blood test for dopamine deficiency as well. Also, the relationship between diet and genome is quite interesting to know.
Such an amazing and informative post, taught me lots and opened my eyes.
As you noted, body metabolism is different for different people. In fact as one grows older , metabolism changes. So the diet must account for all this.
I just took Pinnertest to check my food intolerances so that I can work towards a better plan for me specifically! Science is incredible!
I agree! Not all diets work the same for everyone. Mum is on a weight loss journey. Sharing this post with her to help out. 🙂
I learned so much about nutrigenomics. I have bookmarked this post so that I can revisit and take it all in.
This is interesting. I’ve always thought the one size fit all when it comes to nutrients for our body didn’t make sense because the same food does different things but the scientific outlook on it is very intriguing. I’m interested to see how this progresses and what we learn about this in the future.
I really enjoyed reading the information you shared. Having never heard of neurogenomics before, I definitely gained some knowledge on the subject.
That looks like it would be a great way to get healthy! I would love to try this out.
Nutrigenomics sounds like an awesome idea. I would love to see some more development from this.
Really great post. I always love reading about new things that I am unfamiliar with!
It looks like Nutrigenomics will help with serious health issues that are derived from genetics.
Thank you for sharing! I e done a lot of research on this topic because I truly believe we should eat according to our genes! Very informative!