There’s nothing simple about relationships. They evolve and change as the people in them do, they are constantly reshaped and challenged by societal norms, expectations, limitations, and life battles. Despite the odds, we let ourselves get fooled by someone’s charm and we connect with that person for longer than we should, so emotions begin to brew, and we find ourselves stuck, if not addicted to the one person that’s making us miserable.

What we like or dislike in a relationship might change, but how people treat us should never lead to certain outcomes, including disrespect, emotional or physical abuse, and other torments that occur on a daily basis for people who have been devoted to a toxic person. If you recognize certain toxic “qualities” in your partner and you’re beginning to experience those initial issues in your relationship, here are a few reminders of what your future may hold, so that you can be motivated a bit more to find closure and end the relationship sooner rather than later. Alternatively, asking for help is always a reliable way to put yourself first.
Changing your mindset
Happiness is a subjective concept, one we all create depending on our preferences and expectations, but it’s impossible to feel happy or safe in a relationship in which someone constantly berates you, manipulates you, and possibly even behaves aggressively or violently towards you. Constant fear, negativity, and lack of affection and basic respect will not just change how you perceive that relationship and that person, but also your outlook on life and all other people around you.
Most people coming out of a toxic relationship will have a much harder time developing trust in future relationships, not to mention connecting emotionally and physically with other potential partners. In many cases, people will develop some forms of anxiety and even depression. Furthermore, these cases of depression and anxiety have the chance to become long-term as well, where the person may have to eventually seek professional help in order to feel like themselves again. They might even turn to alternative methods like the consumption of cannabis strains such as mataro blue strain to feel a sense of calm in the middle of all the chaos that would be inside their minds.
Putting yourself in harm’s way
Unfortunately, toxic relationships might start out seemingly benign, but they often lead to abuse and violence. In Australia, stats shown that one woman per week on average is murdered by her partner, whereas 40% of women continue to be abused even after they are separated from their partner. That puts toxicity in a whole new perspective, and it means that more people need to understand the necessary preventative steps even when they decide to leave a toxic relationship.

Ending a toxic relationship can be difficult and dangerous. You might even have to use physical force to defend yourself as most abusers don’t take rejection well. In such cases, local women can seek help from a reputable criminal defence group in Parramatta in order to prepare themselves for potential counter suits that the abuser might press against them out of spite or in an attempt to reestablish some sense of control. It never hurts to talk to your legal representative and prepare yourself so that you can reduce the risk of abuse and violence when the time comes to ask for a divorce or break up.
Endangering your health
You know how when you get nervous before a performance or an important presentation, you might feel slightly nauseated or you get a slight headache and your heart might race? Your body reacts to stress physically and immediately, and when you are constantly stressed, your body will literally experience long-term health problems as a result.
Some of the most common reactions include gastrointestinal problems, but also hormonal imbalances pushed by the excess of cortisol in your system. You’ll also find yourself either constantly exhausted, or completely drained but unable to fall asleep, which might lead to insomnia and other chronic problems such as hypertension.
Ruining your self-esteem
In addition to physical abuse and aggression, toxic bonds are commonly based on emotional abuse as well. Some of the most common forms of emotional abuse include neglect, humiliation, shaming, belittling, and they can all lead to severe self-esteem and confidence issues down the line.

Although physical disorders commonly linked to relationship abuse can be more than enough to impact your self-perception, even if your body comes out unscathed, the internal scars of what you’ve been through will certainly have a lasting effect on your confidence. In such instances, people look for help and guidance of professional psychologists and they can join support groups in their community to share their worries and slowly restore their lives back to normal.
We can all learn from our mistakes and poor choices, but the greatest challenge in toxic relationships is to recognize the benefit of ending them and actually going through with that final act of breaking up. Truth be told, toxic relationships can come from family members, too, and it can be all the more difficult to rectify the situation or come out harm-free. But it’s always up to you to start evaluating those bonds and recognize when it’s time to leave.
Everyone needs to read this and really take it in. Toxic relationships are often very obvious, but they are also very insidious in their sneakiness. We have to recognize what we’re in so we can make better decisions for our lives.
These are really important tips and I highly recommend this post to people who are in a relationship. Once emotion gets over with the mind, toxic things happen. People sometimes gets too emotional to the point of being blind on what is really happening.
It is very difficult to accept that we are in a toxic relationship. We tend to tell ourselves that everything is good and what is going on is normal, we tend to ignore the red flags. The best to do is to look for help, do research to identify toxic and dangerous behaviors.
Stay safe! You do not need to be with someone who is making your life miserable everyday! You deserve better!
you do NOT want toxic people in your life. i have had to say goodbye to several friends that i love(d) dearly. but they really can cause you to have a mental spiral downwards. definitely don’t want anyone to resort to smoking.
I have removed toxic people from my lives completely. They have given me enough mental stress and it was too much to be taken in. I was so sad in disconnecting with them at the beginning but then my mental and physical health improved without them.
My last relationship was certainly toxic and I can testify that your self esteem takes a battering
this is such great intormation. doing the same thing over and over again is so hard. i was in a toxic relationship once and it was horrible. i had to get out of that marriage. it was so freeing once i was out.
It is very unfortunate for those who end up in toxic relationships. I really believe that we should be firm with our values, and we improve ourselves. We attract who we are. I also believe in dating – to know the person really well and watch out for red flags before taking a commitment. 🙂
Toxic relationships are a big no no. People come in a relationship to feel loved. And in such a setting, there is no place for toxicity. You guide was really eye opening
Some good sharing and this is an emotional post. But yes, don’t let people around you get into emotional blackmail and we have to learn how to deal with all kinds of toxic relationships. We will find out that we are stronger than we though 🙂 – Knycx Journeying
This is something I dont want to get involved to. Call me selfish but if my partner I love hinted me this, then it is finished.. no second chances. Life is short for this.
yes, this is really very important thing, but actually there are a lot of cases that show some people cannot leave in another way….
May this serve as a reminder to everyone. Our partner should bring out the best in us, not the worst. 🙂
I have been trying to weed out the toxic people in my life. I do feel stressed and confrontational with some folks and I think it is time to take a break from them.
This is an important post and more important right now because any toxic components of an intimate relationship will be intensified by this quarantine situation. Hopefully, this post will help some folks!
nicely written post. putting oneself in harm is not good in any situation. I hope that your post is helpful for many.
We ourselves are in charge of our own happiness not our partners. Toxic relationships can come in many forms, like someone suffering from depression can be exhausting to the other half. It’s learning first the 5 languages of Love, and to cross that path of misunderstanding. However, if unwillingness to change and compromise isn’t there, then it’s time to go and have some peace.
Wow just reading this makes me a little sad because toxic relationships can be so damaging. The bright sir is that you bring awareness and hope!
There is so much truth in this post. My sister committed suicide in February. She was in a toxic relationship and felt like there was no hope, so she found a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I wish she could have read this post.
sometimes people deny or ignore the fact that they are in toxic relationships because they think they will not be able to find someone else or they think that’s the love they deserve. it blinds logically and emotionally stuns them.
This is such an informative article. I know someone very close to me who is trapped in a toxic relationship due to esteem issues. I will share this with her.
This is a great article with some important information. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks for this post of bringing awareness and hope to many involved in toxic relationships.
Such important information. When you’re in a toxic relationship, it can be hard to see the signs or know what to do. This kind of information is really important and can be helpful for so many. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
The domestic violence statistic you shared about Australia is horrible to think about. With most of the world in quarantine, some people are trapped with their abusers. There are organizations that offer services and support, but even just reaching out for help can be dangerous. Unfortunately, there is no clear solution, especially as abusers were oftentimes the abused at one point.
Learning about toxic relationships truly makes me sad for those going through them, but the people dealing with them can either learn from them, which will hopefully empower them to be stronger for future relationships, or they can be beaten up by them, which in turn may have them going through another toxic relationship in the future. Hopefully, people in these relationships seek help for these issues!
when a relationship ends, one should focus on self-development. I know that one really undergoes the worst stage. Yes, he/she has the right to mourn and feel it. But, it shouldnt always have to stay that way.
Toxic relationships can leave life long marks on a person, and leaving isn’t always easy. These relationships have a way of making a person feel utterly alone, frozen without a clue of what to do.
It is scary to think about all those who feel isolated and trapped w/ their abusers during the Covid-19 lockdowns. Thanks for bringing light to this issue. p.s. interesting how in the US constitution there’s the “right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” since happiness, as you said, is so subjective.
Good read! Definitely will share with my friends who really need this topic to discuss.
My self esteem still isn’t the best after my last relationship, even though I now see how toxic it was , sadly time and patience is needed, hopefully everyone else is doing okay
Sometimes people pretend to control everything and to manipulate everything not because they love because they love to been in control.
the problem with toxic relationships is beign able to accept you are in one. After that the best thing you should do is run and look for profesional help.
This is a nice post. Toxic relationships can destroy our total well being. These are great ideas.
That’s emotional and thanks for the reminder. I think there’s no guidebook to deal with a relationship but we should be aware of a toxic one. – Knycx Journeying
This is all very true. I am glad that you have taken time out to write this and raise awareness for sure xx
Nice post! Honestly I’m not always really focus into this topic. But this post is particular with good info that I would concentrate in reading. Thanks for the info
COVID-19 can reveal many toxic relationships. Its a good time for us to settle things out 🙂