Main Reasons Why Real Travelers Want to Travel

At the time of posting this article, a lot of countries still experience lockdown caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 disease. This means that traveling is still hard to perform and a lot of borders are closed or only certain categories of people can pass through. From now on, traveling will change to a new normal with new safety rules. Besides this, people who for the last year didn’t travel further than the market and office, but wanted to do more, started thinking about the reasons. Can you answer why you travel?

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Singapore: The Land of Cultural Diversity

While the world is still reeling from the pandemic and travel is still predominantly not allowed, we have so much to plan and so many destinations to dream of until borders are once again opened. With that in mind, we’ve decided to take you to Singapore, the city-state that has a stellar reputation for how they’ve handled the pandemic, a place that is rapidly recovering, and one of the safest countries to visit and to find itself on your bucket list when travel is once again possible.

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The Tennis Foodie Year End Report 4

As I mentioned before, The Tennis Foodie was born out of love and passion for Food, Tennis, Fashion and Travel. My fourth year was not short of drama, features, awards, travel, tennis and fashion. So what changed after four years?

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How to choose a beginner tennis racket for your child

These days, children are considered the “couch” generation as they do not need to move around anymore. Everything that they need and want is already right on their fingers, with all the gadgets at their whim. However, it is still important to introduce them to more physical activities for their growth and development. A child does not need to be athletic as you may read here, but they always go outside and let those muscles go to work. Why don’t you try introducing them to a hobby that is still fun but involves more movement?

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The Canadian Roast and Toast Dinner

I had the privilege of attending The Canadian Roast and Toast Dinner hosted by The Embassy of Canada last December 4, 2020. It was attended by selected restaurateurs and top foodies at Ikomai in Salcedo Village, Makati City. Also in attendance were Honorable Ambassador Peter MacArthur, the Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines along with First Secretary and Senior Trade Commissioner, Lulu LeBlanc.

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The Tennis Foodie Turns Four

The Tennis Foodie turns four today. It’s been a very challenging yet ultra productive year. This year, I started to post daily at the start of the pandemic. I also released more recipes this year. I’ll continue to do that next year.

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No Oven? No Problem. Bake with an Air Fryer Instead!

Gone are the days when we would associate the word ‘baking’ with a traditional oven. Unless you’re a professional baker or supplier of homemade baked goods, you can get creative with food recipes even without an oven. If you’re still deliberating over an oven purchase, you might (finally!) be able to make up your mind after reading these baking hacks with an air fryer, which is basically a compact countertop convection oven.

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Balmain Paris Hair Couture is Finally in Manila

The wait is finally over! Balmain Paris Hair Couture is finally here in Manila. In the Philippines, it is exclusively distributed by iBloom Corporation headed by founder and CEO, Mirasol Salao.

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Christmas Presents that the Coffee Lover in Your Life will Thank You for

Everyone has that one person in their life who simply can’t seem to function until they’ve had their morning coffee, and whilst most people tend to enjoy a cup of coffee or a pumpkin spiced latte once in a while.

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How to Choose a Birthday Gift for a Traveler

It may be difficult to find the right present for a friend who enjoys traveling. Your gift should be something that the person will both need and find useful, as well as something that will look nice and be a reminder of your friendship. Luckily, it is possible to avoid that agony altogether. First, with pandemic around us, it is important to follow safety procedures, so a nice (possibly themed) reusable face mask is a must. Of course, you should not stop there. Here are some of the ideas that can help you choose the gift.

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