5 Fun Reasons to Visit Macau

Asia’s incredible cultural heritage, centuries of vivid history, and a multitude of various influences from all over the globe make it the prime destination for avid travelers. However, the spotlight-thieves such as Hong Kong and Singapore are finally starting to make room for other, equally astounding destinations – and Macau is at the very top of that list!

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Foodmnl Studios Lifestyle Workshops

Make learning a lifestyle! Recently, I discovered Foodmnl Studios which holds workshops that suits your passion for photography and food.

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Is Nutrigenomics the Future of Personal Health?

For decades, even centuries, we have believed that dieting includes a few simple rules: lose the sugars, don’t eat highly-processed foods, don’t eat saturated fats, cut down the carbs, up the protein, eat as much of fruits and vegetables as you can, etc. However, these few principles don’t work so well for everyone. Ever wondered why? Well, the one-size-fits-all diets have one crucial flaw – not all of us are the same. But what can we do then?

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