Contact Lenses That Improve Your Tennis Game

Have you ever seen a professional tennis player wearing eyeglasses? Professional players ditch traditional eyewear with contact lenses because of the many advantages these provide. If you wear glasses daily, you might consider getting that competitive advantage over your opponents by wearing contact lenses as you play.

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The Tennis Foodie Turns Three

The Tennis Foodie turns three today. Wow! I can’t believe that this time will come. I never imagined myself maintaining a blog for a long time. Same as last year, my third year has been very challenging yet very productive. I wasn’t doing well on the first half of the year. It came to a point that my ranking dip so much that I had to rebuilt on my traffic. I did a social media and blog detox for a month in the United States to focus on my new career and also re-channel my laser focus on graduate school.

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RYAN CHRIS™️ to launch ETHEREAL – The Tale of a Bridal Fantasy

RYAN CHRIS is taking us on a whimsical journey, featuring his newest Bridal Collection: ETHEREAL – The Tale of a…

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